

Strength Clinic

Learn how to squat, press, bench, and deadlift in a single day! This clinic is approximately 2 hours in length and is ideal for both new lifters and more advanced lifters traveling from out of town who would like to get feedback on their lifts and programming. You will leave the clinic understanding where to start your progression, how to progress, and what to expect as your training continues.

$200 for one person, $250 for two people

Strength Training

Completion of the Strength Clinic is preferred before starting individual sessions. Individual sessions range from 50-70 mins.

1 session: $125

1 session per week monthly subscription: $440 (approximately $110/session)

2 session per week monthly subscription: $800 (approximately $100/session)

Physical Therapy

If you are injured, experiencing pain, or recovering from surgery and live in the Reno, Nevada area, come and see me on a Monday or Wednesday at Nevada Physical Therapy in Midtown!